Thursday, September 9, 2010

Letters and Numbers

Okay, so we're really close to £400, wonder who's going to help us reach it?

In other news, we really like this flickr. It's not our work, though we really wish it was....


Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Heard it through the grapevine

Here's what a few of you have said about the cards so far....

"These are a bit more interesting than your average mosque+crescent card"

"Ooh, the design with the mushrooms is so pretty"

"They're amazing!"

"Love the ants card"

"i'm really excited, hence the exclamation marks, cos i just receieved my cards in the post...i wanted to thank you guys, may Allaah reward you immensely, jazaakumAllaahu khayran... :-) really, it makes me so happy to see your work and your efforts... :-). also, some feedback would be useful: the cards are very cute, mashaa'Allaah, the purple mushroomy one is nicer when you see it for real than on the picture online, i really like the floral stem ones, so simple and cute, and the shell one is brilliant too!"

Monday, September 6, 2010


How is everyone?

A day is really amazing, it's a complete rollercoaster of twists and turns. Somehow you're completely out of control, and yet at the same time you know everything is working for a purpose. Alhamdulilah, we had a nice surprise at dawn this morning - Sadaqards would like to say thanks to for featuring an article on us on their page.

"More than an eighth of Pakistan’s population has been affected by intense flooding. That’s more than the Haiti quake, the 2004 Asia tsunami, and the 2005 Pakistan quake combined.
What did three creative Londonians decide to do about it? They came up with Sadaqards, a project where they combined their creative talents to design handmade Eid cards to sell for Pakistan flood relief."

You can read the rest here: 

Go on, tell your friends to read it too... there's at least five funky buttons under this box...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ce n'est pas vrai!

Of course it's not true! We're very close to reaching £250. We'd like to say thank you to everyone who's bought cards from us, from the few to the very many, we really appreciate it. As added incentive for those of you still deliberating - here's a photo of our entire range...

